- Most runners over-estimate their summer mileage by 15-20%!
- You're better off knowing you're running the right # of miles to ensure you're building your summer base at a reasonable progression rate
- Track of your mileage will help keep you more focused on reaching your mileage ramp goals
- Easier to track your progress and compare runs from weeks ago when maybe you didn't feel so good, now they're much easier!
- If you're taking notes on how you felt, easy to capture days you feel good and maybe not so good, including:
-How you felt during your run, noting certain specific aches or pains
-Tracking when you feel better running in the AM or PM? ...Maybe when you did or didn't get enough sleep?
-Diet and Hydration: Tracking when something you ate didn't agree with you, or maybe you ate too soon prior or not enough or didn't drink enough water? ...Summer EZ runs are a great opportunity to "fine-tune" your eating/hydrating habits!
...OK, if that's not enough, then how about:
There will be special schwag/prizes given to those with the BEST RUNNING LOG at the Tahoe Running Camp AND during the first week of MCHS practice.
-Running logs must be complete and believable, the more detailed, the better! It can be super simple, on plain paper, or in a spreadsheet. Best to include at least something like this:
Date: June 21, 2014
Course: Park Trail > Spring Creek > Canyon > to the "Y" > Back to Park Trail
Run Time: 48:30
Mile Pace: 8:05
Notes/Comments: EZ pace run/felt good ran out with summer running group; out with Tony and back with Sophia. Note: Right ankle feeling better (sore from slight twist last week),
Hope everyone is enjoying the summer! ...Keep running, but always RUN HAPPY :)
-Coach Greg
(707) 291-2967